The Celestial Star
Welcome to Mouse Hollow!
Welcome to Mouse Hollow.
The Celestial Star story is a special segment of our actual play storyline inspired by the incredible world created by our friends at the Gigantic Adventures of Jeff and Simon ... and this segment features some very special guests from our extended family.
Picture yourself gathering with the 22 of us this holiday season in the family room as we spin our little tale together and know that we in the HappyGoLukky family wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas .. a wonderful holiday season and the Happiest New Year.
Actual Play
- This light-hearted story purposefully fuses holiday themes running from Halloween to New Year's Day and utilizes an even simpler adaptation of our gaming mechanic.
- Each actor developed their character by picking a type of animal and taking a short quiz to fit them into one of our Playbooks.
- There are several all-new gaming mechanics that were employed, including puzzles, riddles and a timed challenge.
- Each story is captured and crafted in real-time, the dialogue is all improvisational (aside from a couple of narrative segments designed to lead between scenes.
Story Setting
- The story is set in and around the Life Realm, which is part of the Fate of Isen universe, and which was featured prominently in the Gigantic Adventures of Jeff and Simon podcast.
- Events kick off in Mouse Hollow with themes lifted from common holiday stories and fables.
- Within the story you will find takes on the headless horseman, the abomniable snowman, rudolph and many, many more. Can you identify them all?
- Our gameplay features 8 players at one time at given points and incorporated family members from the core siblings to mama and grandpa as well as the cousins!